
Release date today!

Ladies and gentlemen, Tsu Hello.
Finally arrived! Released! !
What are you doing? ?

Well, today
HELLO ~ Paradise Kiss ~ [] I launch date

Already so many
- Has gotten the message.

Thank you! ! !

Toward real-time updates,
I do my best staff!

Meanwhile, the staff was in Shibuya
I received a picture of this store.

Display is pretty ~ ~.
All the staff of the shop, thank you! !

Love that "display" and see
Always be very happy. . .

Can display, there are shops featuring the
I'm looking forward to in the shop?

Come by all means, also display various artists
Please check at the store.

This week, M I system.

Everyone, The annual "last message" Even
We look forward to it.

<TV taping at the time of YUI! Was cute! ! >

Come and thank you!

I'm in on.

Adieu →